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PDFtalk for Gemstone

Library for reading and writing PDF files in Gemstone.

The source comes in two files: with the runtime code and with tests and demos. UI tools and helpers used in VisualWorks are not included, because of the server nature of Gemstone.

The library needs Seaside (and Grease) as prerequisite.

The new symbol dictionary PDFtalkLibrary will appear in the symbol list after filein (and PDFtalkTesting after filing in the testing file). This symbol dictionary represents the namespace Smalltalk of the library with the Values code and some general tools.

The namespaces from VisualWorks are implemented by symbol dictionaries in Gemstone. Therefore, the PDFtalkLibrary contains the dictionary PDFtalk with all PDF classes. The PDFtalk dictionary in turn contains the Fonts dictionary which includes the OpenType and CFF dictionaries.

Accessing classes in namespaces is written differently.

"in VisualWorks:"
"in Gemstone:"
((PDFtalk at: #Fonts) at: #OpenType) at: #Font

Note that the second expression works in VisualWorks as well.

get files


resulting structure

PDF alignment

Inspect the following:

PDF runAllTests

It should show 245 passing tests without errors or failures.

The demos write the test PDFs in the $HOME directory on the Gemstone server. For demos 12, 13 and 14 you need to put the PDF spec there as well.

To quickly test if all demos are running do:

PDF runAllDemos

Extension methods are

There are some global variables caching objects (fonts, encodings, the type hierarchy). These caches are lazily filled when accessed first. In a runtime, you may want to reset and fill all caches before deploying, either because of limited rights of the runtime user or to eliminate startup overhead-.

After all your application code is loaded, do the following to reset and fill all caches:

PDF primeRuntime

There is code to save ImageXObjects as Value (i.e. source code which will reconstruct to object). To produce the source string for a PDF image you send it asSource. (Or you can send asPDF asSource to a VW Image). This string can be evaluated in Gemstone with #evaluate and will reconstruct the ImageXObject, which can be put into a PDF page as usual. #evaluate works when the PDFtalkLibrary symbol dictionary is in the symbol list; otherwise you can do something like I did in PDFtalk.Tests»#_gs_evaluate: .

I did not add any helper methods for saving or reading the string to / from disk…

My preferred way is to store such resources as methods. This may or may not work with your workflow. For this, I added a helper on ImageXObject. To save a PDF image a class method of ImageXObject, you can call

anImageXObject asMethod: selectorSymbol in: protocolSymbol package: packageString

I added several example images with this to ImageXObject. You can also look at the new ImageXTests where the images are used. These methods can be transferred easily form VW to Gemstone and you get the image just by calling that method.

Preliminary thoughts about the porting approach for Gemstone.

Older thoughts and discussion about Porting PDFtalk to other Smalltalk dialects.

  • pdftalk4gemstone.1507810556.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/10/12 14:15
  • by christian