{{:wiki:visualage.ico?40 |VisualAge Icon}} ====== VA Smalltalk PDFtalk Port ====== Target version: VAST 10.0.2 and 11 (not released yet). The fileOuts are on [[https://github.com/PortingPDFtalk/VASTValues|GitHub]]. Target source format: Chunk (later maybe Tonel) Metadata: unclear (Tonel) ===== VA Smalltalk Porting log ===== ==== Log ==== Sunday, the 3rd of April The [[https://github.com/PortingPDFtalk/VASTValues/releases/tag/|latest version (]] loads without errors, some unimportant warnings. Thanks to Lou, the **Values Tools** can be loaded and only some namespace related tests fail. It does not work yet... Tests (only on VAST 10): * Values: 27 run, 27 pass, 0 fail, 0 errors * Values Tools: 49 run, 38 pass, 11 fail, 0 errors ---- Wednesday, the 16th of March The [[https://github.com/PortingPDFtalk/VASTValues/releases/tag/|latest version (]] loads without errors, 1 warning (VAST11 does not have the warning). improved versioning at the end of the filein (Thanks Lou!) Tests: 25 pass, 0 fail, 0 errors **good version!** (also for VAST11) ---- Friday, the 11th of March The [[https://github.com/PortingPDFtalk/VASTValues/releases/tag/|latest version (]] loads without errors, but **1 warning** (VAST11 should not have the warning - untested). added versioning at the end of the filein added VAST11 fileouts with loading features and config maps Tests: 25 pass, 0 fail, 0 errors **Almost finished version!** (awaiting test results for VAST11) ---- Wednesday, the 9th of March The [[https://github.com/PortingPDFtalk/VASTValues/releases/tag/|latest version (]] loads without errors, but **1 warning**. Tests: 25 pass, 0 fail, 0 errors **First working version!** ---- Saturday, the 5th of March The [[https://github.com/PortingPDFtalk/VASTValues/releases/tag/|latest version (]] loads without errors, but **1 warning**. Tests: 16 pass, 9 fail, 0 errors ---- Friday, the 4th of March The [[https://github.com/PortingPDFtalk/VASTValues/releases/tag/|latest version (]] loads without errors or warnings. Tests: 12 pass, 13 fail, **0(!!!) errors** ===== Moving code from Squeak to VAST ===== The chunk format produced by "Squeak fileOutValues" is not compatible with VAST chunk/fileIn. Therefore, we did the following sequence: - Grab Squeak file out from [[https://wiki.pdftalk.de/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=values:2022-02-01_values.squeak.zip|here]] - Filein code in Pharo 9.0 - Write "Values" and "Values Testing" packages into Tonel format - Import generated Tonel into VAST ===== Problems while importing code into VAST ===== ==== Extended classes not existing in VAST ==== The first problem we got is some extension methods to classes that do not exist in VAST. More precisely, "Timestamp" and "ColorValue". ==== Compilations errors during VAST load ==== The second problem is about methods that refer to classes that do not exist in VAST: "Valuemap>>atNewIndex: index put: anAssociation" references undefined variable "tally" "Valuemap>>removeKey: key ifAbsent: aBlock " references undefined variable "tally" "TextEmitter>>streamClass" references non existing class "TextStream"